So there they were, 10 days away from their expiration date, pondering what to do next. You only get one egg after all, so it's sort of a big life decision.
For convenience's sake, there are some very simple instructions and possible options laid out, which you can find right on the E-E, short for express e-train page, under the I-R-C-C website, short for Instant-Rainbow-Candy-land-Cab. Most duck people choose to be a permanent resider in rainbow candy land, because it's nice there, and that's where people live. Duck people tend to think of themselves as akin to people, rather than ducks. Also they've gotten used to living in candy land since they arrived years ago.
The Express E-train will get you there, so the Instant-Rainbow-Candyland-Cab website said. So, what do you say, huh? Of course you want to be in Candyland permanently, forever, right? To have the right to be full person? Or if not, at least a long duck person, after all, everyone wants to be long.
And they can't stop wondering, will it be everything they've ever dreamed off? You know, since they've arrived?
"Tread lightly, counselor"
"As I am confident that you are aware of what's ahead"
"A brighter future that awaits you, far, far away from ghosts of the past"
Once you get to the other side of the pool.
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